Distilling Greatness: Marianne Eaves

Welcome to another inspiring episode of Distilling Greatness! Today, we have a special guest who is nothing short of a pioneer in the spirits industry: Master Distiller Marianne Eaves. Known as Kentucky’s first female Master Distiller since Prohibition, Marianne has made significant strides in bourbon, blending tradition with innovation to create some genuinely remarkable spirits.

Early Life and Career Beginnings

Marianne Eaves was born in Chattanooga, Tennessee, but she grew up in Kentucky—a state synonymous with bourbon. Interestingly, despite growing up in the heart of Bourbon country, Marianne’s early experiences with alcohol were limited. Raised in a dry county, she wasn’t exposed to the bourbon tradition that many of her peers experienced. However, a bottle of Jim Beam collecting dust on the family bar hinted at what was to come.

After high school, Marianne pursued a degree in Chemical Engineering at the University of Louisville. During an internship at Brown-Forman, a significant player in the spirits industry, she discovered her passion for bourbon. Here, she learned how to drink bourbon and the intricate science and art of distillation.

Mastering the Art of Distillation

Marianne’s career trajectory took her from an internship at Brown-Forman to working in research and development at Jack Daniel’s. One of her notable projects was the creation of the JD Malt, which introduced her to the complexities of working with different grain bills and fermentation processes.

Her background in chemical engineering proved invaluable. As she explains, distilling is profoundly scientific and technical, requiring filtration, distillation, heat exchange, and more knowledge. However, she quickly learned that the most efficient process only sometimes yields the best-tasting product. A balance of science and art, trial and error, creates genuinely exceptional spirits.

Mentorship and Influence

Throughout her career, Marianne benefited from the guidance of numerous mentors. One standout is Nancy Warfield, who helped Marianne break out of her shell and navigate the often male-dominated world of spirits. Nancy’s confidence and mentorship were instrumental in Marianne’s development as a distiller and leader.

Uncharted Territory: Challenges and Triumphs

As Kentucky’s first female Master Distiller since Prohibition, Marianne faced skepticism and doubt. However, she embraced the challenge, seeing it as an opportunity to shape her legacy. Moving from Brown-Forman to the historic Old Taylor Distillery (now Castle & Key Distillery), she worked hands-on with the team to restore and innovate within the industry.

One significant project during her time at Castle & Key was developing Forbidden Bourbon. This brand focuses on honoring Southern culinary traditions, particularly the use of white corn, which imparts a rich, creamy texture to the spirit.

Innovation in Tradition

Marianne’s creative process strikes a balance between respecting tradition and embracing innovation. Sweetens Cove, a brand she developed, is a prime example. Inspired by a historic golf course in Tennessee, this project blends aged bourbon with a compelling narrative, resulting in a product that stands out both in taste and story. Additionally, the involvement of notable partners like Peyton Manning and Andy Roddick adds to its prestige and appeal

Sensory Skills and Training

Marianne is known for her exceptional sensory skills and critical aspects of creating high-quality spirits. She advises aspiring tasters to think about flavor constantly and to be mindful of how different elements smell and taste in various contexts. This attentiveness helps identify and describe the nuanced flavors in bourbon.

The Eaves Foundation

One of Marianne’s proudest achievements is the establishment of the Eaves Foundation. This organization focuses on education, mentorship, and scholarships to support underrepresented communities in the beverage industry. Marianne’s commitment to diversity and innovation extends beyond her products to nurturing the next generation of industry leaders.

Favorite Way to Gather Around™

When asked about her favorite way to gather with friends and family, Marianne reflects on special moments sharing exceptional spirits. One memorable occasion involved opening a bottle of pre-prohibition Old Taylor with her father, creating a lasting memory through the shared experience of tasting a piece of history.


Marianne Eaves Today Show

Marianne Eaves exemplifies the blend of tradition and innovation that defines the modern spirits industry. Her journey from a chemical engineering student to a pioneering Master Distiller is a testament to her passion, skill, and determination. Marianne continues to inspire and pave the way for future generations through her work and foundation.

Check out the links for those interested in supporting the Eaves Foundation or learning more about Marianne’s work. Stay tuned for more episodes of Distilling Greatness as we continue to explore the stories behind the spirits.

Watch the full episode on YouTube: Distilling Greatness Episode 13: Marianne Eaves

Thank you for joining us, and we look forward to bringing you more stories of greatness in the distilling world.

Show Links:

Eaves Blind
Eaves Foundation: Buck Tradition